Message by [Nerodos]: Happy Holidays! Because Kwismas, like Christmas, rhymes with benevolence and kindness, we have decided to offer you a gift to thank you for your presence, not only today, but throughout the year! Use your code from 15:00 (Paris Time) on Saturday, December 24 to 20:00 (Paris Time) on Sunday, December 25 at to redeem your present! As the still-warm corpse of the Christmas turkey sits, its bones picked clean, on the dinner table, you're already back in the game, on the back of a Dragoturkey maybe, celebrating Kwismas in the World of Twelve! For this, and for everything else, we would like to thank you by offering you this gift: 1 Shigekax Mystery Box + 1 Gold Booster for KROSMAGA To redeem the gift, be sure to use the code between 15:00 (Paris Time) on December 24 and 20:00 (Paris Time) on December 25: DOFUSNOWEL2016 Simply copy and paste this code in the 'redeem code' section of the website and celebrate Kwismas with us! Don't miss out on the gift, mark your calendars! And load up KROSMAGA to enjoy a second gift! HAPPY HOLIDAYS TO ALL! -- My reply to the thread: THE CARD GAME OF THE GODS! Krosmaga is an online trading card game in which you play a god and face other players in short, fun-filled games that'll surprise you at every turn! Christmas: The Christian holy day held on December 25th annually celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ, the Son of God, into the world as "the Son of Man", which took place around 0 A.D.. You are not giving us the right present here. Now I do not expect Ankama to understand Christianity because, after all, there are probably no Christians in their offices since they came up with this game of demons and gods. Nevertheless, forgive me for being insulted by the apparent disrespect of incongruity by giving such digital goods away to players of Dofus as an advertisement of Krosmaga, a game where you play as a god. Dofus is fun as an MMO, but this is simply insulting. Giving is celebrated on Christmas because God gave his only begotten son, Jesus Christ, who was with him in Heaven, to be born as the Son of Man so that everyone who would listen to him and believe in him would gain eternal life: knowledge of the only true God and Jesus Christ who he sent. Now Dofus is a pagan-themed game, but offering an advertisement for a "card game of the gods" as a Christmas present is beyond shallow and has trespassed into insulting. But now how should I have a happy holy day when the only true God is not happy with what Ankama has done here? Ankama: "Happy holidays! In the spirit of giving, here is your present: an advertisement for another pagan game where you play as a pagan god." Me: Who are you really pleasing with this? But now the messages that question authority here by making intelligent and compelling statements to foster improvement and innovation get hidden because they are not the expected drivel. So if these and the rest of the things you do are only done to please yourselves, how can you do anything right? "Whoever speaks on his own does so to gain honor for himself; but whoever speaks on behalf of the one who sent him is a man of truth in whom there is nothing false." But to make things easy for you: you already know what God wants. "I desire mercy, not sacrifice, for the Son of Man did not come to condemn the world but to save it through himself, to call not the righteous, but the wicked to repentance." "Do not boast of wisdom, strength, or riches, but whoever boasts should boast that he understands and knows me, that I am the Lord who exercises Kindness, Justice, and Righteousness on the Earth, because I delight in these things." That is how to celebrate Christmas -- or Kwismas. The right present to give us is a change in attitude. Micah Chapter 6 Listen to what the Lord says: "Stand up, plead my case before the mountains; let the hills hear what you have to say. 2 "Hear, you mountains, the Lord's accusation; listen, you everlasting foundations of the earth. For the Lord has a case against his people; he is lodging a charge against Israel. 3 "My people, what have I done to you? How have I burdened you? Answer me. 4 I brought you up out of Egypt and redeemed you from the land of slavery. I sent Moses to lead you, also Aaron and Miriam. 5 My people, remember what Balak king of Moab plotted and what Balaam son of Beor answered. Remember your journey from Shittim to Gilgal, that you may know the righteous acts of the Lord." 6 With what shall I come before the Lord and bow down before the exalted God? Shall I come before him with burnt offerings, with calves a year old? 7 Will the Lord be pleased with thousands of rams, with ten thousand rivers of olive oil? Shall I offer my firstborn for my transgression, the fruit of my body for the sin of my soul? 8 He has shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly [obediently] with your God. Should Ankama give us a billion kamas [*see note below] for Kwismas? Should they give us digital goods or advertisements for their other games for us to play throughout the year? Isn't this all in service to their own pleasure? What should they give us to celebrate the birth of God's only Son who saved the entire world once and for all, to clean and serve and save from death and condemnation? The best present they could give is to do something very selfless that would please the Sovereign Lord who alone is absolutely Good. But the best news here is that Ankama does not have a time limit of Christmas Day to devise and enact this present: there is still time to change. -- Set invisible by [MOD]Fiora on December 25, 2016, 03:33:59. -- -- [*] I used this reference in my response to hint at my forum event -- -- wherein I was giving away 1 billion kamas to players (a $2000 value) at my expense. -- Ankabox (private) Message to me on December 25, 2016, 03:50:29 : Hello, You have been warned in the past about religious postings and proselytizing, as you have a long history of doing so both in public spaces on the official forum and via Ankabox. You are very much aware at this point in time that religious discussions have no place on our forum, yet in spite of this you have continued to post religious messages of varying length and fervor since starting to do so circa 2013. Your post in the "Happy Holidays" thread has gone too far in this end. All of the inappropriateness of your postings aside, you should be very much aware at this point that such postings do not receive a universally positive response from other members of the community. Indeed, each time you post in this manner, we receive numerous reports from players that take severe issue with the fact that you are twisting everything back to your religious beliefs, rather than utilizing the facts involved in the discussion at hand to express your viewpoints. Numerous members of the community have expressed varying levels of discomfort in public and private at your religious postings. It is not fair to display your faith in such a way that you make the people around you feel so uncomfortable. In light of the warnings you've received over the years from members of Ankama's staff and moderation team regarding this issue, and your refusal to follow our guidance, I am banning your account from posting on the forum for 14 days. Though this is technically a first forum sanction, it is not without any sort of buildup. Continuing to engage in such polarizing behavior will not be tolerated as lightly as it may have been in years past. If you continue to disrespect Ankama's staff members and moderation team, you will receive further sanctions to your account. Sincerely, [MOD]Fiora -- My response in a ticket to Ankama Support, to the Community Manager "Izmar", to Nerodos who started the Happy Holidays forum thread, and to Fiora (I think): Dear Ankama Studios: This is religious persecution. This may be tolerated in France, but it is distinctly a violation of basic human rights in my country. Stating what Christmas is in my own words and explaining how offering players an advertisement for another game at the exclusive pleasure of Ankama is not an appropriate present for Christmas is my opinion, and just like others are entitled to their opinions, punishment for expressing my opinions is a violation of freedom of speech. Today is Christmas. Ankama says "Happy Holidays" and "Merry Kwismas" in their public web sites. Is banning me part of wishing me Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas? Ankama is willing to defend its own position in terms of using these phrases to the proclaimed "distaste" of these pagan players you mentioned, so why am I lynched by Ankama when I explain in my own words what Christmas is on the forum on Christmas Eve? I have spent many thousands of dollars on Dofus over my 10-year history of playing this game. I have subscribed dozens of accounts. Ankama makes an incredible amount of money from me. I am dissatisfied as a customer for how I am being treated here. The moderator Fiora has done what they should not have done. I have an event that I have been hosting on the forum, a most generous event, and this ban from using the forum will upset many players and seriously hinder the proceedings of the event which has been received with delight and enthusiasm by everyone. This ban is not just harming me, but Ankama's reputation and all those other players who are participating in my event. I am sad to say that I will no longer be paying Ankama any money because I have faced this religious persecution at the hands of a moderator. Alas, I am no stranger to religious persecution, but it remains a violation of International Human Rights. Ankama has committed a felony in this regard; to call it anything less is downplaying this abuse with excuses against my rights as a human being. Because I am a legal adult and law enforcement will simply tell me to stop playing this game and disassociate myself with Ankama, that is what I must do in order to protect myself from further harm and abuse. I will no longer play or engage in Ankama games. I have already published on the Internet this letter I received via Ankabox, and I will further tell people how Ankama employees have treated this loyal customer. I am sorry to say that this has irreversibly tarnished the reputation of Dofus and Ankama, a game I have enjoyed playing and company whose services I have enjoyed using for many years. Sincerely, Mr. -- Follow-up message to the same: Fiora: I know you do not care or understand now, because you still think you are in the right about what you have done to me, but your transgression is forgiven. You are forgiven, but Ankama has still lost a customer as a result of your actions towards me. I can see you do not respect Christmas, so instead I say to you Happy New Year. Sincerely, Mr. -- Steam Review ( I have played Dofus since about 2004. I stopped playing yesterday, Christmas of 2016, because a forum moderator banned me from the Ankama forum on Christmas when I explained in my own words what Christmas was about in a reply to a "Happy Holidays" forum thread started by another forum moderator. The moderator who banned me wrote a nasty letter to me blatantly insulting and persecuting me and Christianity. I told Ankama that as a result of this mistreatment of me, a loyal paying customer of about a decade -- and I have spent many thousands of dollars and so much time playing and contributing to the community -- Ankama denying or otherwise supporting this religious persecution of myself and other Christians, they have lost a customer. Let me be clear that Ankama supports International Human Rights violations and misdemeanors and felonies -- and when you are their victim, you have no recourse except to stop playing their game. Ankama does not issue refunds, nor have they shown any concern for the thoughts of players; they say one thing and then turn around and do the opposite; they lie to your face. Their business is run as a fascist regime, and players must fall into line or be made to suffer. My recourse is that they have lost my business. Dofus was fun for about 10 years, but the very low population in players among the English communities, the complete arrogant elitism of their French company (they are so extremely arrogant in their nationalism, I cannot even explain to you except through citing the stereotypical Frenchman, you would not even believe me if I told you how bloated this French elitism they exhibit is -- for example, they make excuses to IP block everyone from other countries), the lack of respect towards players by their customer service and community managers, and their history of initiating changes that completely ruin the fun of gameplay styles makes this game and any association with this company a disappointing experience for thousands of French and non-French players like myself over the history of the game. Their stifling of free speech is disheartening, and the nasty attitudes of moderators and community managers is seriously off-putting. The community manager Izmar is usually friendly, but experiences with the rest have almost always been upsetting and disappointing for me and those players who have shared their experiences with me. I honestly highly advise the Steam community to stay away from Ankama and Dofus. This is a gaming experience that will cause you harm and no good at all. And if you give them money, you become an even worse-off target in their crosshairs. Do yourself a favor and invest neither time nor money in this game or its company. They are going down the drain, so obviously headed toward bankruptcy and ruin, so don't let yourself get flushed down the toilet with them. You will not have any fun installing and playing Dofus. And God help you if you use their web sites at all. They are a basket of vipers and you will get a snake bite if you let them see you. -- Synopsis: Over the years of my using the Dofus forum, I every so often would find reason to cite brief Biblical passages to aid in rationale for my statements. My statements have been to give creative ideas and provide insights to help improve the community and the Dofus game. I have invested far more time and money in Ankama than most other players could fathom, and yet my contributions were never treated harshly by a moderator until Christmas Day of 2016. It is obvious to me that my desire for Ankama to improve its treatment of players -- which the players on their forum have pleaded for a long time and in different ways -- is definitively rejected through this moderator's offense and retaliation towards the message of my post, which is that Ankama should do something actually generous (in a way such that they do not simply work to directly profit themselves) and that such would be an action suitable for celebrating Christmas. This moderator, Fiora, who in my experience has always been cold in their interactions with others, decided to criticize Christianity on Christmas, and use their criticism (and they were lying about my past, by the way) as an excuse to exclude me from being able to use the forum. They and the other moderators knew that to do so would seriously interrupt my generous and exciting event on the forum, but they did this because they knew that they could get away with it and that Ankama would side with them because Ankama is arrogant (this does not surprise me because they are French) and due to this arrogance would frown upon my criticism of them and favor my punishment therefore. Fiora chose to act manipulatively and schemingly against me, knowing that I would have no recourse against their back-stab. I wasn't banned just because I argued my points compellingly. I was banned because I told this company to be generous on Christmas, and this moderator did not want to hear that. I was banned for talking about Christmas on December 24th in response to a forum moderator's pretty "Merry Christmas!" picture and present to players. Screenshot of ban message alongside the web site veteran message "and thanks for your loyalty!" Screenshot of the Veteran Rewards page, which Ankama uses to thank players like me for their loyalty (in paying them money). As you can see, I am on my tenth year of subscription (and this is only one of my 20+ accounts): Izmar has been active on the forum since then, and I do not expect any form of apology. But even if I ever get a response to my Ankabox Message or support ticket, Ankama has lost a customer.